about the conference
This international conference will explore evidence for a
range of environmental changes in arctic ecosystems affecting
the Gyrfalcon, its competitors, and its prey,
waterfowl, seabirds and others, to predict effects and outcomes
of global climate change, identify areas of uncertainty, and
develop global strategies for measuring and mitigating them. We
will publish a conference proceedings in what we expect will be
a landmark publication of information, ideas, and strategies.
The conference will take place in the Simplot Ballroom at Boise
State University in Boise, Idaho, USA, beginning on Tuesday 1
February and running through Thursday 3 February 2011. It will
feature three days of invited and contributed scientific papers
and posters, as well as strategy workshops and tours of The
Peregrine Fund's World Center for Birds of Prey.
Convened by: The Peregrine Fund, Boise State
University (the Raptor Research Center, and the Biological
Sciences Department), and the US Geological Survey (Snake River
Field Station).
Click here for a list of conference sponsors
important dates
Early Registration
1 November 2010
Abstract Submission Deadline:
1 November 2010
Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
1 January 2011
Final Paper Submission Deadline:
1 March 2011