Call For Papers
Topics of Interest
The Conference invites papers on topics related to:
- Gyrfalcons, ptarmigan, their competitors,
and/or their prey
- Papers may be based on empirical
research or reviews of published data, and
should offer special consideration of either
measured, predicted, or modeled effects of:
- climate change
- environmental contamination (e.g.,
persistent pesticides, PCBs, brominated
fluorocarbons, heavy metals, etc.)
- development and resource extraction (e.g.,
oil, gas, minerals, fisheries, sea transport,
- emerging diseases (e.g., avian influenza,
West Nile virus, etc.)
- other anthropogenic or natural environmental
If you would like to submit a paper on a related topic that
is not listed here, please email us to offer your subject for
special consideration.
Invited papers accepted for oral presentation will be published
in full in the conference proceedings. Contributed papers
accepted for poster presentation will be published either in
full, as extended abstracts, or "as is" poster text and graphics
on a CD accompanying the print publication. Reproductions of
recently published papers or extended abstracts of papers to be
published elsewhere will be considered. The proceedings will be
published in a bound print volume and made available for sale,
as well as electronically published as separate pdf files for
free download from the internet.
Deadlines for Submitting Abstracts and Papers
Abstract Submission
The deadline for abstract submission is 1 November 2010.
You may submit the abstract of your paper either online or via
email. For instructions on submission, and for our online
submission form, please go to our
Abstract Submission page.
All abstracts will be reviewed for relevance to the conference
theme, and for content. We reserve the right to turn down
submissions and to determine the presentation format for the
paper (oral presentation or poster). Preference will be given to
papers focused on the aforementioned
topics of interest.
You will be notified of acceptance or rejection of your paper
and presentation format (oral or poster) by 1 December 2010.
Paper Submission
The deadline for draft paper submission is 1 January
2011 (one month prior to the
The deadline for final paper submission is 1 March 2011
(one month after the conference).
All participants whose papers are accepted will be required to
present them at the conference and
publish them in the proceedings. Exceptions may be considered -
please email us to discuss.
For instructions on submitting your paper, and for paper
formatting requirements, please visit the
Paper Submission Guidelines
important dates
Early Registration
1 November 2010
Abstract Submission Deadline:
1 November 2010
Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
1 January 2011
Final Paper Submission Deadline:
1 March 2011