All of the following personnel can be reached by phone at The
Peregrine Fund at 208.362.3716. Our fax
number is 208.362.2376. Country code is
1, if calling from outside the U.S.
For questions about presenting a paper and submitting your abstract
or paper,
Rick Watson
rwatson (at) peregrinefund.org
For information on helping to sponsor the conference,
Joell Brown
jobrown (at) peregrinefund.org
To report website problems, contact:
Linda Behrman
lbehrman (at) peregrinefund.org
For all other inquiries, please contact:
Pat Burnham
burnham (at) peregrinefund.org
Marta Curti
mcurti (at) peregrinefund.org
important dates
Early Registration
1 November 2010
Abstract Submission Deadline:
1 November 2010
Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
1 January 2011
Final Paper Submission Deadline:
1 March 2011