
abstract submission

The deadline for abstract submission is 1 November 2010.
All abstracts will be reviewed for relevance to the conference theme and for content. We reserve the right to turn down submissions. Unsolicited papers are open for submission as posters. Preference will be given to papers focused on Gyrfalcons, ptarmigan, their competitors, and/or their prey. Papers may be based on empirical research or reviews of published data, and should offer special consideration of either measured, predicted, or modeled effects of: climate change, environmental contamination (e.g., persistent pesticides, PCBs, brominated fluorocarbons, heavy metals, etc.), development and resource extraction (e.g., oil, gas, minerals, fisheries, sea transport, etc.), emerging diseases (e.g., avian influenza, West Nile virus, etc.), or other anthropogenic or natural environmental changes.

Writing your Abstract

Please note that abstract titles should not exceed 100 characters (including spaces), and abstracts should be less than 2500 characters (including spaces). We reserve the right to edit abstracts for punctuation and grammar.
Your abstract should contain 2-3 sentences of basic-level introduction to the area of study; a brief account of the background and rationale of the work; a statement of the main conclusions (introduced by the phrase 'Here we show' or its equivalent); and 2-3 sentences putting the main findings into general context so it is clear how the results may affect other researchers or the field in general.

Abstract Submission

To submit an abstract please include it as a Word document attachment and e-mail it to rwatson@peregrinefund.org.

Please make sure to include the following information when submitting your abstract:

Presentation (whether you prefer to present your paper orally or as a poster)

Abstract title (Maximum length 100 characters including spaces; do NOT use all capital letters)

List of authors (First name, Last name, number corresponding to author's primary institutional affiliation, below, in parentheses)

Numbered List of institutions (List by number the primary institutional affiliations of each of the authors)

Abstract (Maximum length 2500 characters including spaces)


Population Biology of the Gyrfalcon in Greenland.

Joe Black (1), Jan White (2), Jack Green (1).

(1) Boise State University, College of Natural Sciences, (2) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Endangered Species.

We studied the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) in three locations in Greenland....[remainder of abstract]



important dates

Early Registration Ends:
1 November 2010

Abstract Submission Deadline:
1 November 2010

Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
1 January 2011

Final Paper Submission Deadline:
1 March 2011

