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Selected Bibliography

Includes some papers published between 2000 - 2009, on the following subjects related to the conference: Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World

Scroll down for the complete list of articles or click on a specific subject or subject year.

Climate Change (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)

Contaminants (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)

Development (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)

Disease (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)

Gyrfalcons (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)

Ptarmigan (2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000)


Heller, N.E. and E. S. Zavaleta. 2009. Biodiversity management in the face of climate change: A review of 22 years of recommendations. Biological Conservation 142 (1):14-32.

Green, R.E., Y.C. Collingham , S.G. Willis, R.D. Gregory, K.W. Smith, and B. Huntley. 2009. Performance of climate envelope models in retrodicting recent changes in bird population size from observed climatic change. Biol. Lett. 4: 599-602 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2008.0052

Sage, B. 2009. Global warming and the breeding birds of the Arctic. Bulletin of the British Ornithologist's Club 129:77-86.


Huntley, B., Y.C. Collingham, S.G. Willis, and R..E. Green.  2008. Potential impacts of climate change on European breeding birds. PLoS ONE 3(1): e1439. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001439.

Meltofte, H., T.R. Christensen, B. Elberling, M.C. Forchhammer, and M. Rasch (editors). 2008. High-Arctic Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Climate, Elsevier Science, London


Meltofte, H., T. Piersma, H. Boyd, B. McCaffery, B. Ganter, V.V. Golovnyuk, K. Graham, C.L. Gratto-Trevor, R.I.G. Morrison, E. Nol, H.-U Rosner, D. Schamel, H. Schekkerman, M.Y. Soloviev, P.S. Tomkovich, D.M. Tracy, I. Tulp, and L. Wennerberg. 2007. Effects of climate variation on the breeding ecology of Arctic shorebirds, Monographs on Greenland, 344. Bioscience 59. Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen.


Bradshaw, W.E. and C. M. Holzapfel 2006. Climate Change: Evolutionary Response to Rapid Climate Change Science 312 (5779): 1477 ? 1478DOI: 10.1126/science.1127000

Gordo, O. and J.J. Sanz. 2006. Climate change and bird phenology: a long-term study in the Iberian Peninsula. Global Change Biology 12 (10): 1993-2004.

Raisanen, J. How reliable are climate models? 2006. Tellus A 59 (1): 2-29.

Wrona F.J., T.D. Prowse, J.D. Reist, J.E. Hobbie, L.M. Levesque, and W.F. Vincent. 2006. Climate change effects on aquatic biota, ecosystem structure and function. Ambio 35 (7):359-69.


Bradley, M.J., S.J. Kutz, E. Jenkins, and T.M. O'Hara. 2005. The potential impact of climate change on infectious diseases of Arctic fauna. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64(5): 468-477.

Kutz, S.J., E.P. Hoberg, L. Polley, and E.J. Jenkins. 2005. Global warming is changing the dynamics of Arctic host-parasite systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 272 (1581):2571-2576.


Callaghan T.V., L.O. Bjorn, Y. Chernov, T. Chapin, T.R. Christensen, B. Huntley, R. A. Ims, M. Johansson, D. Jolly, S. Jonasson, N. Matveyeva, N. Panikov, W. Oechel, G. Shaver, J. Elster, H. Henttonen, K. Laine, K. Taulavuori, E. Taulavuori, and C. Zokler. 2004. Biodiversity, Distributions and Adaptations of Arctic Species in the Context of Environmental Change. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 33 (7): 404-417.

Cramer, W., A. Bondeau, S. Schaphoff, W. Lucht, B. Smith, and S. Sitch. 2004. Tropical forests and the global carbon cycle: impacts of atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate change and rate of deforestation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 359(1443): 331-343.

Watkinson, A.R., J. A. Gill, and M. Hulme. 2004. Flying in the face of climate change: a review of climate change, past, present and future. Ibis 146 (s1): 4 -10.

Winder, M., D.E. Schindler. 2004 Climate change uncouples trophic interactions in an aquatic ecosystem. Ecology 85 (8):2100-2106. doi: 10.1890/04-0151


Sanz, J.J., J. Potti, J. Moreno, S. Merino, and O. Frias. 2003. Climate change and fitness components of a migratory bird breeding in the Mediterranean region. Global Change Biology 9 (3): 461-472.

Weltzin, J.F., M.E. Loik, S. Schwinning, D.G. Williams, P.A. Fay, B.M. Haddad, J. Harte, T.E. Huxman , A.K. Knapp, G. Lin, W.T. Pockman, M.R. Shaw, E.E. Small, M.D. Smith , S.D. Smith , D.T. Tissue , and J.C. Zak. 2003. Assessing the Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Potential Changes in Precipitation. BioScience 53 (10): 941?952 Posted online on December 18, 2008. (doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[0941:ATROTE]2.0.CO;2)


Berry, P.M., Dawson, T. P., Harrison P.A., and Pearson, R.G. 2002. Modeling potential impacts of climate change on the bioclimatic envelope of species in Britain and Ireland, Global Ecology and Biogeography 11:453-462.

Walther, G.-R., E. Post, P. Convey, A. Menzel, C. Parmesank, T. J. C. Beebee, J.-M. Fromentin, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, and F. Bairlein. 2002. Ecological Responses to Recent Climate Change. Nature 416: 389-395.


Cramer, W., A. Bondeau, F.I .Woodward, I.C. Prentice, R.A. Betts, V. Brovkin, P.M. Cox, V. Fisher, J.A. Foley, A.D. Friend, C. Kucharik, M.R. Lomas, N. Ramankutty, S. Sitch, B.Smith, A.White, and C. Young-Molling. 2001. Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change: results from six dynamic global vegetation models. Global Change Biology 7 (4): 357-373


Crowley, T.J. Causes of Climate Change Over the Past 1000 Years. 2000. Science 289 (5477): 270-277 DOI: 10.1126/science.289.5477.270

Epstein, H.E., M.D. Walker, F. S.Chapin III, and A.M. Starfield. 2000. A transient, nutrient-based model of Arctic plant community response to climate warming. Ecological Applications 10 (3): 824-841. doi: 10.1890/1051-0761(2000)010[0824:ATNBMO]2.0.CO;2



Boxall, A.B., A. Hardy, S. Beulke, T. Boucard, L. Burgin, P.D. Falloon, P.M. Haygarth, T. Hutchinson, R.S. Kovats, G. Leonardi, L.S. Levy, G. Nichols, S.A. Parsons, L. Potts, D. Stone, E. Topp, D.B. Turley, K. Walsh, E.M. Wellington, and R.J. Williams. 2009. Impacts of climate change on indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals from agriculture. Environmental Health Perspective.117(4):508-14. Epub 2008 Dec 10.

Braune, B.M. and D.G. Noble. 2009. Environmental contaminants in Canadian shorebirds. Environmental monitoring and assessment 148 (1-4):185-204.

Noyes, P.D., M.K. McElwee, H.D. Miller, B.W. Clark, L.A. Van Tiem, K.C. Walcott, K.N. Erwin, E.D. Levin. 2009. The toxicology of climate change: environmental contaminants in a warming world. Environ Int. 35(6):971-86. Epub 2009 Apr 16.


Braune, B.M. and A.M. Scheuhammer. 2008. Trace element and metallothionein concentrations in seabirds from the Canadian Arctic. Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC 2008;27(3):645-51.

Gjershaug, J. O., J. A. Kalas, T. Nygard, D. Hertzke, and A. O. Folkestad. 2008. Monitoring of raptors and their contamination levels in Norway. Ambio 37:420-424.


Braune, B.M. 2007. Temporal trends of organochlorines and mercury in seabird eggs from the Canadian Arctic, 1975-2003. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987);148(2):599-613.

Braune, B.M, M.L. Mallory, H.G. Gilchrist, R.J. Letcher, and K.G. Drouillard. 2007. Levels and trends of organochlorines and brominated flame retardants in ivory gull eggs from the Canadian Arctic, 1976 to 2004. The Science of the Total Environment 378 (3):403-17.

Butt, C. M., S.A. Mabury, D.C.G. Muir, and B.M. Braune. 2007. Prevalence of long-chained perfluorinated carboxylates in seabirds from the Canadian Arctic between 1975 and 2004. Environmental science & technology; 41(10):3521-8.


Pedersen H.C., F. Fossoy, J.A. Kalas, and S. Lierhagen. 2006. Accumulation of heavy metals in circumpolar willow ptarmigan Lagopus l. lagopus populations. The Science of the Total Environment. 1;371(1-3):176-89.

Wrona F.J., T.D. Prowse, J.D. Reist, J.E. Hobbie, L.M. Levesque, R.W. Macdonald, and W.F. Vincent. 2006. Effects of ultraviolet radiation and contaminant-related stressors on arctic freshwater ecosystems. Ambio.35(7):388-401.


Blais, J.M., L.E. Kimpe, D. McMahon, B. E. Keatley, M.L. Mallory, M. S. V. Douglas, and J.P. Smol. 2005. Arctic Seabirds Transport Marine-Derived Contaminants. Science 309 (5733): 445

Macdonald, R.W., T. Harner and J. Fyfe. 2005. Recent climate change in the Arctic and its impact on contaminant pathways and interpretation of temporal trend data. Science of The Total Environment 342 (1-3): 5-86.

Verreault, J., D.C.G. Muir, R. J. Norstrom, I. Stirling, A.T. Fisk, G.W. Gabrielsen, A.E. Derocher, T.J. Evans, R. Dietz, C. Sonne, G.M. Sandala, W. Gebbink, F.F. Riget, E.W. Born, M.K. Taylor, J. Nagy and R.J. Letcher. 2005. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants and metabolites in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Alaska, Canada, East Greenland, and Svalbard: 1996−2002. Science of The Total Environment 351-352:369-390.


Buckman, A.H., R.J. Norstrom, K. A. Hobson, N.J. Karnovsky, J. Duffe, and A.T. Fisk. 2004. Organochlorine contaminants in seven species of Arctic seabirds from northern Baffin Bay Environmental Pollution 128 (3): 327-338.

Evenset, A., G. N. Christensen, T. Skotvold, E. Fjeld, M. Schlabach, E. Wartena and D. Gregor.2004. A comparison of organic contaminants in two high Arctic lake ecosystems, Bjornoya (Bear Island), Norway The Science of The Total Environment 318 (1-3): 25-141.

Martin J.W., M.M. Smithwick, B.M. Braune, P.F. Hoekstra, D.C. Muir, and S.A. Mabury. 2004. Identification of long-chain perfluorinated acids in biota from the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Science and Technology 38(2):373-80.


Hoekstra, P. F., B. M. Braune, T. M. O'Hara, B. Elkin, K. R. Solomon, and D. C. G. Muir. 2003. Organochlorine contaminant and stable isotope profiles in Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) from the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic. Environmental Pollution 122 (3): 423-433.

Poland, J. S., M.J. Riddle, and B. A. Zeeb. 2003. Contaminants in the Arctic and the Antarctic: a comparison of sources, impacts, and remediation options. Polar Record 39(4):369-383 Cambridge University Press.


Herzke, D., R. Kallenborn, and T. Nygard. 2002. Organochlorines in egg samples from Norwegian birds of prey; congener-, isomer- and enantiomer specific considerations. Science of the Total Environment 291:59-71.


Olafsdottir, K., A. E. Petersen, E. V. Magnusdottir, and T. Bjornsson. 2001. Persistent organochlorine levels in six prey species of the Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus in Iceland. Environmental Pollution 112:245-251.


Becker, P. R., 2000. Concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals in Alaska arctic marine mammals. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40 (10): 819-829.

Crane, K., J. Galasso, C. Brown, G. Cherkashov, G. Ivanov, and B. Vanstain. 2000. Northern Ocean Inventories of Radionuclide Contamination: GIS Efforts to Determine the Past and Present State of the Environment in and Adjacent to the Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40 (10): 853-868.

Muir, D. C. G. and R. J. Norstrom. 2000. Geographical differences and time trends of persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic. Toxicology Letters 112-113: 93-101



Liebezeit, J. R., S. J. Kendall, S. Brown, C. B. Johnson, P. Martin, T. L. McDonald, D. C. Payer, C. L. Rea, B. Streever, A. M. Wildman, and S. Zack. 2009 Influence of human development and predators on nest survival of tundra birds, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Ecological Applications 19 (6): 1628-1644. doi: 10.1890/08-1661.1


Haskell, S. P., and W.B. Ballard. 2008. Annual re-habituation of calving caribou to oilfields in northern Alaska: implications for expanding development. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86 (7): 627-637(11).

Magritskii, D.V. 2008. Anthropogenic impact on the runoff of Russian rivers emptying into the Arctic Ocean. Water Resources 35 (1): 1-14.


Klein, D.R.2007. Arctic grazing systems and industrial development: can we minimize conflicts? Polar Research19 (1): 91-98.


Joly, K. C. Nellemann, and I.Vistnes. 2006. A Reevaluation of Caribou Distribution near an Oilfield Road on Alaska's North Slope. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 (3): 866-869.

Moiseenko, T.I., A.A Voinov, V.V. Megorsky, N.A. Gashkina, L.P. Kudriavtseva, O.I. Vandish, A.N. Sharov, Yu. Sharova and I.N Koroleva. 2006. Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: The case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake. Science of The Total Environment 369 (1-3): 1-20.

Schindler, D.W., and J.P. Smol. 2006. Cumulative effects of climate warming and other human activities on freshwaters of Arctic and subarctic North America. Ambio. 35(4):160-8. Review.


Johnson, C.J., M.S. Boyce, R.L. Case, H. D. Cluff, R. J. Gau, A.Gunn and R.Mulders 2005. Cumulative Effects of Human Developments on Arctic Wildlife. Wildlife Monographs160: 1-36


Watson, A. and R. Moss. 2004. Impacts of ski-development on ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) at Cairn Gorm, Scotland Biological Conservation 116(2): 267-275.


Jenkins, M., Green, Rhys. E., Madden, J. 2003. The challenge of measuring global change in wild nature: are things getting better or worse? Conservation Biology 17 (1), 20-23.

Nellemann, C., I. Vistnes, P. Jordhoy, O. Strand, and A. Newton. 2003. Progressive impact of piecemeal infrastructure development on wild reindeer. Biological Conservation 113 (2): 307-317.


Mahoney, S.P. and J. A. Schaefer. 2002. Hydroelectric development and the disruption of migration in caribou. Biological Conservation 107 (2): 147-153.


Dyer, S.J., J. P. O'Neill, S. M. Wasel and S. Boutin. 2001. Avoidance of Industrial Development by Woodland Caribou. The Journal of Wildlife Management 65 (3): 531-542.

Truett, J.C., and S.R. Johnson. 2000. The natural history of an Arctic oil field: development and the biota. Academic Press - A Harcourt Science and Technology Company. Orlando, Florida, USA.


Ballard, W.B., M.A. Cronin, R. Rodrigues, R.O. Skoog, and R.H. Pollard. 2000. Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus, Den Densities in the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Alaska Canadian Field-Naturalist 114 (3): 453-456.

Kotkin, N.J., G.C. Boere, and R. Hindrum. 2000. Oil and Gas Development as a Potential Threat to Protected Areas and Pristine Wilderness in the South-East Barents Sea and Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Habitat Fragmentation and Contamination. SPE International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, 26-28 June 2000, Stavanger, Norway. DOI 10.2118/61104-MS . Copyright 2000, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

Wolfe, S.A., B. Griffith, and C. A. Gray Wolfe. 2000. Response of reindeer and caribou to human activities. Polar Research 19 (1): 63-73.



Kutz S.J., E.J. Jenkins, A.M. Veitch, J. Ducrocg, L. Polley, B. Elkin, and S. Lair. 2009. The Arctic as a model for anticipating, preventing, and mitigating climate change impacts on host-parasite interactions. Veterinary Parasitology 163 (3): 217-228.

Parikka, P. and A. Lemmetty. 2009. Plant diseases in changing northern climatic conditions. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 838:123 -128 http://www.actahort.org/books/838/838_20.htm


Burek, K.A., F.M. D. Gulland, and T. M. O'Hara. 2008. Effects of climate change on Arctic marine mammal health. Ecological Applications 18, Supplement: Arctic Marine Mammals: S126-S134. doi: 10.1890/06-0553.1

Gailbreath, K. L., and J. L. Oaks. 2008. Herpesviral inclusion body disease in owls and falcons is caused by the pigeon herpesvirus (Columbid Herpesvirus 1). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:427-433.

Muller, M. G., J. Kinne, R. K. Schuster, and J. Walochnik. 2008. Outbreak of microsporidiosis caused by Enterocytozoon bieneusi in falcons. Veterinary Parasitology 152:67-78.

van Zeeland, Y. R., N. J. Schoemaker, M. J. L. Kik, and W. B. van der Giessen. 2008. Upper respiratory tract infection caused by Cryptosporidium baileyi in three mixed-bred falcons (Falco rusticolus x Falco cherrug). Avian Diseases 52:357-363.


Wiedermann, M.M., A. Nordin, U. Gunnarsson, M.B. Nilsson, and L. Ericson. 2007. Global change shifts vegetation and plant-parasite interactions in a boreal mire. Ecology 88 (2): 454-464. doi: 10.1890/05-1823


Poulin, R. and K.N. Mouritsen. 2006. Climate change, parasitism and the structure of intertidal ecosystems. Journal of Helminthology 80:183-19. Copyright Cambridge University Press 2006 doi:10.1079/JOH2006341

Rydzanicz, K., D. Kiewra , and E. Lonc. 2006. Changes in range of mosquito-borne diseases affected by global climatic fluctuations. Wiad Parazytol. 2006;52(2):73-83.


Bradley, M.J., S.J Kutz, E. Jenkins, and T.M. O'Hara. 2005. The potential impact of climate change on infectious diseases of Arctic fauna. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64(5):468-477.

Kutz, S.J., E.P Hoberg, L Polley, and E.J Jenkins.2005. Global warming is changing the dynamics of Arctic host?parasite systems. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 272(1581): 2571?2576. Published online 2005 October 4. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3285. PMCID: PMC1559981 Copyright 2005 The Royal Society

Receveur, B. Tracy, U. Gill and S. Kalhok. 2005. Human health implications of environmental contaminants in Arctic Canada: A review. Science of The Total Environment 351-352: 165-246.


Kutz, S.J., E.P. Hoberg, J. Nagy, L. Polley and B. Elkin. 2004. "Emerging" Parasitic Infections in Arctic Ungulates. Integrative and Comparative Biology 44(2):109-118; doi:10.1093/icb/44.2.109 Copyright 2004 by The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.

McKinney, P. 2004. Amyloidosis in captive falcons in the United Arab Emirates. Falco 23:14-16.

Wernery, U., and J. Kinne. 2004. How do falcons contract a herpesvirus infection: preliminary findings? Falco:16-17.


Hampel, M., J. Kinne, and U. Wernery. 2003. News about amyloidosis. Falco:11-14.


McKinney, P. 2002. Falcon herpesvirus in a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). Falco 19:22-23.


Ballard, W.B., E.H. Follmann, D.G. Ritter, M.D. Robards, and MA Cronin. 2001. Rabies and canine distemper in an arctic fox population in Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37(1):133-137.

Nielsen, O., A. Clavijo, and J.A. Boughen. 2001. Serologic evidence of influenza A infection in marine mammals of arctic Canada. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37(4): 820-825


Hollmen, T., J. C. Franson, D.E. Docherty, M. Kilpi, M. Hario, L.H. Creekmore and M. R. Petersen. 2000. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antibodies in Eider Ducks and Herring Gulls. The Condor 102 (3): 688-691.



Booms, T.L., F. Huettman, and P.F. Schempf. 2009. Gyrfalcon nest distribution in Alaska based on predictive GIS model. Polar Biology. DOI 10.1077/s 00300-009-0711-5. Online: 12

Burnham, K. K., W. A. Burnham, and I. Newton. 2009. Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus post-glacial colonization and extreme long-term use of nest-sites in Greenland. Ibis 151:514-522.

Hager, S. B. 2009. Human-related threats to urban raptors. Journal of Raptor Research 43:210-226.

Houston, D., and R. Nager. 2009. Archaeology among the bird droppings: what does it tell us about raptor nest-site selection? Ibis 151:592-593.

McIntyre, C. L., D. C. Douglas, and L. G. Adams. 2009. Movements of juvenile Gyrfalcons from western and interior Alaska following departure from their natal areas. Journal of Raptor Research 43:99-109.


Booms, T., T.J. Cade, and N.J. Clum. 2008. The Birds of North America (online), Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the American Ornithologists' Union 114.

Burfield, I. J. 2008. The conservation status and trends of raptors and owls in Europe. Ambio 37:401-407.

Burnham, K. K. 2008. High Arctic Institute 2008 progress report and update. High Arctic Institute, Orion, IL.

Burnham, K. K. 2008. Inter- and intraspecific variation of breeding biology, movements, and genotype in Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus and Gyrfalcon F. rusticolus populations in Greenland. Ph.D. dissertation, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.

Byrkjedal, I., and J. Madsen. 2008. Autumn bird observations in the northeast Greenland sea ice. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 102:325-330.

Coiffait, L., J. A. Clark, R. A. Robinson, J. R. Blackburn, B. M. Griffin, K. Risely, M. J. Grantham, J. H. Marchant, T. Girling, and L. Barber. 2008. Bird ringing in Britain and Ireland in 2006. Ringing & Migration 24:15-79.

Goodrich, L. J., and J. P. Smith. 2008. Raptor migration in North America. Pages 37-149 in State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. P. Smith, E. Ruelas Inzunza, and R. R. Veit, Eds.). Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Cambridge, MA and Washington, D.C.

Ruelas Inzunza, E. 2008. Raptor-migration watchsite descriptions. Pages 279-302 in State of North America's birds of prey (K. L. Bildstein, J. P. Smith, E. Ruelas Inzunza, and R. R. Veit, Eds.). Nuttall Ornithological Club and American Ornithologists' Union, Cambridge, MA and Washington, D.C.


Aversa, T. 2007. Gyrfalcon refuses to share meal. Washington Birds 9:69-70.

Burnham, K. K. 2007. Inter-and intraspcific variation of breeding biology, movements, and genotype in Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus and Gyrfalcon F. rusticolus populations in Greenland. Ph.D. dissertation, Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Dawnay, N., R. McEwing, R. S. Thorpe, and R. Ogden. 2007. Preliminary data suggests genetic distinctiveness of gyr and Saker Falcons. Conservation Genetics 9:703-707.

Hinde, A. 2007. Wintering raptors of the Great Basin census & banding study 1985-2007: oases in the high desert. Raptor Watch 31:4-6.

Huntley, B., R. E. Green, Y. C. Collingham, and S. G. Willis. 2007. A climatic atlas of European breeding birds. Durham University, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain.

Johnson, J. A., K. K. Burnham, W. A. Burnham, and D. P. Mindell. 2007. Genetic structure among continental and island populations of Gyrfalcons. Molecular Ecology 16:3145-3160.

Lloyd, C., C. Hebel, and R. Padrtova. 2007. Non-invasive indirect blood pressure measurements in Falconiformes. Falco 30:20-21.

Lobkov, Y. G., Y. N. Gerasimov, and A. V. Gorovenko. 2007. Population status of the Gyrfalcon in Kamchatka. Falco 30:8-11.

Mechnikova, S. A., and N. V. Kudryavisev. 2007. [Five fledglings in brood of Gyrfalcon on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia]. Raptors Conservation 10:61.

Nikolenko, E. G., and I. V. Karyakin. 2007. Falcon trade on the border of ages: myths and facts. Raptors Conservaton 8:12-21.

Rodriguez, A., and N. Forbes. 2007. Use of paromomycin in the treatment of a cryptosporidium infection in two falcons. Falco 30:22-24.

Schropfer, L. 2007. [Observation of a Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) in the Plzen region in summer 2005]. Otus 4:32.

Smelansky, I. E., and M. L. Kreyndlin. 2007. [Legal instruments for suppressing unlawful capture and trade of large falcons in Russia]. Raptors Conservation 9:6-16.


Burnham, W., K. K. Burnham, and T. J. Cade. 2006. Past and present assessments of bird life in Uumannaq District, West Greenland. Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift 99:196-208.

Dekker, D. 2006. (Review of) The Gyrfalcon, by Eugene Potapov and Richard Sale. Blue Jay 64:115-117.

Dunne, P. 2006. The state of raptors: then and now. Peregrine Observer 28:4-13.

Fedotkin, D. V., and A. G. Sorokin. 2006. Short summary of the reports from the meeting of the CITES Falcon Enforcement Task Force (ETF): 21-23 November 2005, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Raptors Conservation 5:12-15.

Ganusevich, S. A. 2006. Status and monitoring of the peregrine and Gyrfalcon in the Kola Peninsula, Russia. Pages 30-36 in Status of raptor populations in eastern Fennoscandia: Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Russia, November 8-10, 2005 (P. Koskmies, and N. V. Lapshin, Eds.). Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science and Finnish-Russia Working Group on Nature Conservation, Petrozavodsk, Russia.

Gilyazov, A. S. 2006. Population of diurnal raptors (Falconiformes) in the Lapland Nature Reserve and adjacent areas: dynamics in 1930-2005. Pages 37-43 in Status of raptor populations in eastern Fennoscandia: Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Russia, November 8-10, 2005 (P. Koskmies, and N. V. Lapshin, Eds.). Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science and Finnish-Russia Working Group on Nature Conservation, Petrozavodsk, Russia.

Karyakin, A. S. 2006. Diurnal raptors and owls in the Murmansk region. Pages 44-48 in Status of raptor populations in eastern Fennoscandia: Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Russia, November 8-10, 2005 (P. Koskmies, and N. V. Lapshin, Eds.). Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science and Finnish-Russia Working Group on Nature Conservation, Petrozavodsk, Russia.

Koskimies, P. 2006. Action Plan for the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) in Europe. Pages 70-79 in Status of raptor populations in eastern Fennoscandia: Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Russia, November 8-10, 2005 (P. Koskmies, and N. V. Lapshin, Eds.). Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Science and Finnish-Russia Working Group on Nature Conservation, Petrozavodsk, Russia.

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