This is a partial list of publications, both peer-reviewed and popular, that have been published by staff, students, and grantees.
For complete lists of research papers and other publications from The Peregrine Fund, visit the Global Raptor Information Network (GRIN).
Research papers listed in the left column that do not link to a downloadable PDF can be obtained by sending a request to
In addition to the individual papers listed in the left column, The Peregrine Fund has published the complete proceedings of these conferences in book form:
Cade, T.J., and C.M. Blount. 2018. Tom Cade: A Life in Science and Conservation. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID
Cade, T. J., and W. Burnham. 2003. Return of the peregrine: a North American saga of tenacity and teamwork. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.
D.L. Anderson, C.J.W. McClure, and A. Franke, editors. 2017. Applied raptor ecology: essentials from Gyrfalcon research. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho, USA.
Sherrod, S.K., W.R. Heinrich, W.A. Burnham, J.H. Barclay, and T.J. Cade.1987. Hacking: a method for releasing peregrine falcons and other birds of prey. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.
Weaver, J.D. and T.J. Cade (eds.). 1991. Falcon propagation, a manual on captive breeding. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.
Cade TJ; Enderson JH; Linthicum J. 1996. Guide to management of Peregrine Falcons at the eyrie.The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.
Marti, C.D. 2002. Enhancing raptor populations, a techniques manual. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.