Recent Publications by The Peregrine Fund

This is a partial list of publications, both peer-reviewed and popular, that have been published by staff, students, and grantees.


  • Anderson, D., R. Thorstrom, C.D. Hayes, T. Hayes, M. Curti, and P.F.D. Boesman. 2021. Ridgway's Hawk (Buteo ridgwayi), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (T. S. Schulenberg and B. K. Keeney, Editors). Birds of the World2 Vol 2. DOI:10.2173/bow.ridhaw1.02
  • Bouyer, T., A. Drumont, L.-A. Rene de Roland, D. Slootmaekers, J. Pirkl, J.C. Mittermeier, D.R. Wright, and M. Jocque. 2021. Notes on a small collection of Prioninae from North-East Madagascar with the description of a new Schizodontus Quentin & Villiers, 1974 (Cerambycidae, Closterini). Zootaxa 4964 (1): 188-194. DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.4964.1.11
  • Eichenwald, A.J., A. Amar, P. Tyrrell, E. Buechley, and M. Virani. 2021. Declines in an Augur Buzzard, Buteo augur, Population in a Region of Increasing Human Development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution27. DOI:10.3389/fevo.2021.590073
  • Henderson, M., T. Booms, B. Robinson, D.L. Johnson, and D. Anderson. 2021. Direct and Indirect Effects of Nesting Site Characteristics for a Cliff-Nesting Raptor in Western Alaska. Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1): 17-32. DOI:10.3356/0892-1016-55.1.17
  • Henderson, M., A.J. Eichenwald, D.L. Johnson, T. Booms, C. McClure, A.L. Pyke, and D. Anderson. 2021. Species and Sex Composition of Ptarmigan Consumed by Nesting Gyrfalcons on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of Raptor Research 55 (1): 33-44. DOI:10.3356/0892-1016-55.1.33
  • McClure, C., A. Carignan, and R. Buij. 2021. Lack of standardization in the use of road counts for surveying raptors. The Condor Vol 124, PP 1-11. DOI:10.1093/ornithapp/duaa061
  • Ruegg, K.C., M. Brinkmeyer, C.M. Bossu, R.A. Bay, E.C. Anderson, C.W. Boal, R.D. Dawson, A. Eschenbauch, C. McClure, K.E. Miller, L. Morrow, J. Morrow, D. Oleyar, B. Ralph, S. Schulwitz, T. Swem, J-F Therrien, R. Van Buskirk, T.B. Smith, and J. Heath. 2021. The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) genoscape: Implications for monitoring, management, and subspecies boundaries. Journal of Ornithology Vol 138, pp 1-14. DOI:10.1093/auk/ukaa051
  • Schulwitz, S., G. Hill, V. Fry, and C. McClure. 2021. Evaluating citizen science outreach: A case-study with The Peregrine Fund’s American Kestrel Partnership. PLoS ONE 16 (3): e0248948. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0248948


  • Almuna, R., J.M. Cruz, H. Vargas, and J.T. Ibarra. 2020. Landscapes of coexistence: generating predictive risk models to mitigate human-raptor conflicts in forest socio-ecosystems. Biological Conservation Vol 251. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108795
  • Anderson, D., S. Schulwitz, M. May, G. Hill, W. Koomjian, and C. McClure. 2020. Can increased training and awareness take forest research to new heights? Trees, Forests and People3 Vol 1. DOI:10.1016/j.tfp.2020.100005
  • Cuervo, P.F., A. Percara, L. Monje, P.M. Beldomenico, and M. Quiroga. 2020. Environmental variables determining the distribution of an avian parasite: the case of the Philornis torquans complex (Diptera: Muscidae) in South America. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. DOI:10.1101/839589
  • Guido, J.M., P.A.E. Alarcón, J.A. Donázar, F. Hiraldo, and S. Lambertucci. 2020. The use of biosphere reserves by a wide-ranging avian scavenger indicates its significant potential for conservation.. Environmental Conservation 47:1. DOI:10.1017/S0376892919000304
  • Hirschauer, M.T., K. Wolter, A. Howard, B.W. Rolek, and C. McClure. 2020. Population growth rates in northern Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colonies between 2010 and 2019. Bird Conservation International. DOI:10.1017/S0959270920000465
  • Johnson, D.L., M. Henderson, D. Anderson, T. Booms, and C.T. Williams. 2020. Bayesian stable isotope mixing models effectively characterize the diet of an Arctic raptor. Journal of Animal Ecology Vol 89, Iss 12, Pgs 2972-2985. DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.13361
  • McClure, C., J.L. Brown, S. Schulwitz, J. Smallwood, K.E. Farley, J-F Therrien, K.E. Miller, K. Steenhof, and J. Heath. 2020. Demography of a widespread raptor across disparate regions. Ibis Vol 154, No 1. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12916
  • McClure, C. and B.W. Rolek. 2020. Relative Conservation Status of Bird Orders With Special Attention to Raptors. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution27. DOI:10.3389/fevo.2020.593941
  • McClure, C., B.W. Rolek, G.W. Grove, and T. Katzner. 2020. Yearly temperature fluctuations and survey speed influence road counts of wintering raptors. Ibis Vol 154, No 1. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12914
  • Miranda, E.B.P., C.F. Kenup, E. Campbell, F.H. Vargas, A. Muela, R.T. Watson, C.A. Peres, and C.T. Downs. 2020. High moon brightness and low ambient temperatures affect sloth predation by harpy eagles. PeerJ. DOI:10.7717/peerj.9756
  • Plaza , P.I., G. Blanco, I. Lopez-Rull, D. Hornero-Mendez, J.A. Donázar, F. Hiraldo, and S. Lambertucci. 2020. Plasma carotenoids and immunity in a despotic avian scavenger. Journal of Experimental Zoology Vol 333, Issue 8, Pgs 569-578. DOI:10.1002/jez.2397
  • Plaza , P.I., G. Wiemeyer, and S. Lambertucci. 2020. Comparison of lead contamination among related scavenging birds sharing food sources: a call for caution when using surrogate species. Ibis Vol 126, Iss 4. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12815
  • Quiroga, M., T. Hayes, C.D. Hayes, H. Garrod, L. Soares, S.A. Knutie, S. Latta, and D. Anderson. 2020. More than just nestlings: incidence of subcutaneous Philornis (Diptera: Muscidae) nest flies in adult birds. Parasitology Research 119, 2337-2342. DOI:10.1007/s00436-020-06696-2
  • Saravia-Pietropaolo, M.J., A. Percara, S.I. Arce, M. Quiroga, and P.M. Beldomenico. 2020. FIRST REPORT OF MYIASIS CAUSED BY Philornis (DIPTERA: MUSCIDAE) IN Cacicus solitarius (PASSERIFORME: ICTERIDAE) IN CENTRAL ARGENTINA.. Oecologia Australis24 24(3): 749-754. DOI:10.4257/oeco.2020.2403.19
  • Sutton, L.J., D. Anderson, M. Franco, C. McClure, E.B.P. Miranda, H. Vargas, J. de J. Vargas-González, and R. PUschendorf. 2020. Geographic range estimates and environmental requirements for the harpy eagle derived from spatial models of current and past distribution. Ecology and Evolution Vol 11, Issue 1, Pgs 481-497. DOI:10.1002/ece3.7068
  • Thompson, L.J., D.R. Barber, M.J. Bechard, A. Botha, K. Wolter, W. Neser, E. Buechley, R. Reading, R.A. Garbett, P. Hancock, G. Maude, M. Virani, S. Thomsett, H. Lee, D. Ogada, C.R. Barlow, and K. Bildstein. 2020. Variation in monthly sizes of home‐ranges of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in western, eastern and southern Africa. Ibis Vol 162, Issue 4, Pgs 1324-1338. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12836
  • Vargas-González, J. de J., J. McCabe, D. Anderson, M. Curti, D.C. Cardenas, and H. Vargas. 2020. PREDICTIVE HABITAT MODEL REVEALS SPECIFICITY IN A BROADLY DISTRIBUTED FOREST RAPTOR, THE HARPY EAGLE. Journal of Raptor Research 54(4):349-363. DOI:10.3356/0892-1016-54.4.349
  • Wallace, R.B., A. Reinaga, N Piland, R.P. Piana, H. Vargas, R. Zegarra, P.A.E. Alarcón, S. Alvarado, J Álvarez, F Angulo, V. Astore, F. Ciri, J. Cisneros, C. Cóndor, V. Escobar, M. Funes, J. Gálvez-Durand, C. Gargiulo, S. Gordillo, L. Zurita, et al. 2020. Protegiendo el Símbolo de los Andes: Un Ejercicio de Priorización a lo Largo del Rango del Cóndor Andino (Vultur gryphus). 2020 194 pp. Wildlife Conservation Society.
  • Wallace, R.B., A. Reinaga, N Piland, R.P. Piana, H. Vargas, R. Zegarra, P.A.E. Alarcón, S. Alvarado, J Álvarez, F Angulo, V. Astore, F. Ciri, J. Cisneros, C. Cóndor, V. Escobar, M. Funes, J. Gálvez-Durand, C. Gargiulo, S. Gordillo, L. Zurita, et al. 2020. Saving the Symbol of the Andes: A Range Wide Conservation Priority Setting Exercise for the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus). 2020 194 pp. Wildlife Conservation Society.
  • Zuluaga, S., H. Vargas, and J.M. Grande. 2020. Integrating socio-ecological information to address human–top predator conflicts: the case of an endangered eagle in the eastern Andes of Colombia. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation19 Vol 19, Iss 1, pp 98-107. DOI:10.1016/j.pecon.2020.10.003


  • Anderson, D., P. Bente, T. Booms, L. Dunn, and C. McClure. 2019. Non-random territory occupancy by nesting Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus). Arctic Science. DOI:10.1139/AS-2018-0024
  • Buechley, E., A. Santangeli, M. Girardello, M.H.C. Neate-Clegg, D. Oleyar, C. McClure, and Ç.H. Şekercioğlu. 2019. Global raptor research and conservation priorities: Tropical raptors fall prey to knowledge gaps. Diversity and Distributions. DOI:10.1111/ddi.12901
  • Delgado, A., J. de J. Vargas-González, H. Vargas, M. Curti, D. Anderson, M. Virani, B. Schmitt, A. Montero, and C. de Atencio. 2019. Actors Workshop for the Conservation of Darien. 2019 The Peregrine Fund, Ministerio del Ambiente, Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del PNUD/GEF, Fundación Rapaces y Bosques de Panamá., Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.
  • Delgado, A., J. de J. Vargas-González, H. Vargas, M. Curti, D. Anderson, M. Virani, B. Schmitt, A. Montero, and C. de Atencio. 2019. Taller de actores para la conservación de Darién. 2019 The Peregrine Fund, Ministerio del Ambiente, Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del PNUD/GEF, Fundación Rapaces y Bosques de Panamá., Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.
  • Dwyer, J.F., T. Hayes, R. Thorstrom, and R.E. Harness. 2019. Retrofitting power poles to prevent electrocution of translocated Ridgway’s Hawks (Buteo ridgwayi). Journal of Caribbean Ornithology Vol 32: 4-10.
  • Gallardo, J.C. and R. Thorstrom. 2019. Status and Conservation of the Raptors in the West Indies: A Review. Caribbean Naturalist Special Issue No. 2:90-134.
  • Mejia, E. C., C. McClure, and J.R. Barber. 2019. Large‐scale manipulation of the acoustic environment can alter the abundance of breeding birds: Evidence from a phantom natural gas field. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2664.13449
  • Plaza , P.I., G. Wiemeyer, G. Blanco, P.A.E. Alarcón, D. Hornero-Mendez, J.A. Donázar, J.A. Sánchez-Zapata, F. Hiraldo, J. de la Rosa, and S. Lambertucci. 2019. Natural hazards and wildlife health: The effects of a volcanic eruption on the Andean Condor. The Condor Vol 121, Iss 4. DOI:10.1093/condor/duz051
  • Ravelomanantsoa, N. A. F., F. Razafimalala, Z. Rakotomalala, G. Razafimanjato, L.-A. Rene de Roland, B. Ramasindrazana, C. F. Rakotondramanana, and S.M. Goodman. 2019. The bats of the Protected Area of the Complex Tsimembo Manambolomaty, Melaky Region, Madagascar: Diversity and biogeography. Malagasy Nature 13: 105-116.
  • Razarazafy, D., L.-A. Rene de Roland, M.P.H. Rakotondratsima, and G. Razafimanjato. 2019. Breeding success and behavior of striped Madagascar Harrier-hawk (Polyboroides radiatus) in the Protected Area of ​​Bemanevika, Northwest of Madagascar. Malagasy Nature 13: 97-104.
  • Robinson, B., T. Booms, M.J. Bechard, and D. Anderson. 2019. Dietary Plasticity in a Specialist Predator, the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus): New Insights into Diet During Brood Rearing. Journal of Raptor Research 53(2):115-126. DOI:10.3356/JRR-15-58
  • Schulwitz, S., M. C. Griffith, and C. McClure. 2019. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) scavenging on domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) carcass. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. DOI:10.1676/18-101
  • Shaw, P., M. Kibuule, D. Nalwanga, G. Kaphu, M Opige, and D. Pomeroy. 2019. Implications of farmland expansion for species abundance, richness and mean body mass in African raptor communities. Biological Conservation Volume 235, Pages 164-177. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.03.039
  • Shema, S. 2019. Current status of diurnal breeding raptors in the greater Athi-Kaputiei Ecosystem, southern Kenya: an assessment of abundance, distribution and key areas in need of conservation. Scopus Vol 39, No 1: 44-59.


  • Bulgarella, M., M. Quiroga, and G.E. Heimpel. 2018. Additive negative effects of Philornis nest parasitism on small and declining Neotropical bird populations. Bird Conservation International. DOI:10.1017/S0959270918000291
  • Gaston, K.J., D.T.C. Cox, S.B. Canavelli, D. Garcia, B. Hughes, B. Maas, D. Martinez, D. Ogada, and R. Inger. 2018. Population Abundance and Ecosystem Service Provision: The Case of Birds . BioScience Volume 68, Issue 4. DOI:10.1093/biosci/biy005
  • Hatfield, R.S. 2018. Diet And Space Use Of The Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus) In The Maasai Mara Region Of Kenya. 44 University of Kentucky Forestry and Natural Resources, Kentucky, USA. DOI:10.13023/etd.2018.391
  • Hayes, C.D., T. Hayes, C. McClure, M. Quiroga, R. Thorstrom, and D. Anderson. 2018. Native parasitic nest fly impacts reproductive success of an island‐endemic host. Animal Conservation. DOI:10.1111/acv.12449
  • Leavell, B.C., J. Rubin, C. McClure, A. Miner, A. Branham, and J.R. Barber. 2018. Fireflies thwart bat attack with multisensory warnings. Science Advances Vol. 4, no. 8. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aat6601
  • Margalida, A. and D. Ogada. 2018. Old World Vultures in a Changing Environment. Pages 457-471 in Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century, Eds. José Hernán Sarasola, Juan Manuel Grande & Juan José Negro. Springer, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-73745-4_19
  • McClure, C., L. Martinson, and T.D. Allison. 2018. Automated monitoring for birds in flight: Proof of concept with eagles at a wind power facility. Biological Conservation Volume 224 Pages 26-33. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.04.041
  • McClure, C., J.R.S. Westrip, J.A. Johnson, S. Schulwitz, M. Virani, R. Davies, A. Symes, H. Wheatley, R. Thorstrom, A. Amar, R. Buij, V.R. Jones, N.P. Williams, E. Buechley, and S.H.M. Butchart. 2018. State of the world's raptors: Distributions, threats, and conservation recommendations. Biological Conservation. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.08.012
  • Mendez, D., S. Marsden, and H. Lloyd. 2018. Assessing population size and structure for Andean Condor Vultur gryphus in Bolivia using a photographic ‘capture‐recapture’ method. Ibis. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12681
  • Ogada, D. 2018. Insights Into the Natural History of the Little Known Maned Rat Lophiomys imhausi through Examination of Owl Pellets and Prey Remains . Journal of East African Natural History 107(1):1-7. DOI:10.2982/028.107.0101
  • Piana, R.P. and H. Vargas. 2018. Preliminary Habitat Models of Foraging and Roosting Sites Used By Two Rehabilitated Adult Male Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) In Peru. Journal of Raptor Research 52(2):231-239. DOI:10.3356/JRR-17-19.1
  • Regan, T., C. McClure, and J.R. Belthoff. 2018. Assessing patterns of barn owl Tyto alba occupancy from call broadcast surveys. Wildlife Biology. DOI:10.2981/wlb.00411
  • Restropo-Cardona, J.S., F. Saenz-Jimenez, M. A. Echeverry-Galvis, A. Betancur, A. F. Quintero, and P. A. Lopez. 2018. BREEDING BEHAVIOR OF A REINTRODUCED PAIR OF ANDEAN CONDOR (VULTUR GRYPHUS) IN THE CENTRAL ANDES OF COLOMBIA. Ornithologia Neotropical v. 29, p. 129-133. DOI:10.000
  • Rubin, J., C.A. Hamilton, C. McClure, B.A. Chadwell, A.Y. Kawahara, and J.R. Barber. 2018. The evolution of anti-bat sensory illusions in moths. Science Advances Vol. 4, no. 7. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar7428
  • Schulwitz, S., P.A. Castano, P.A. Mosquera, M. Chugcho, K.J. Campbell, and J.A. Johnson. 2018. Floreana Island re-colonization potential of the Galápagos short-eared owl (Asio flammeus galapagoensis) . Conservation Genetics Volume 19, Issue 1, pp 193–205. DOI:10.1007/s10592-017-1007-x
  • Schulwitz, S., P. Spurling, T.S. Davis, and C. McClure. 2018. Webcams as an untapped opportunity to conduct citizen science: Six years of the American Kestrel Partnership's KestrelCam. Global Ecology and Conservation Volume 15. DOI:10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00434
  • Specht, A.J., C.N. Parish, E.K. Wallens, R.T. Watson, L.H. Nie, and M.G. Weisskopf. 2018. Feasibility of a portable X-ray fluorescence device for bone lead measurements of condor bones. Science of the Total Environment Volume 615, Pages 398-403. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.123
  • Subedi, T. R., J. D. Anadon, H.S. Baral, M. Virani, and S. Anuar Mohd Sah. 2018. Breeding habitat and nest‐site selection of Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus in the Annapurna Himalaya Range of Nepal. Ibis. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12698
  • Subedi, T. R., M. Virani, S Gurung, R. Buij, H.S. Baral, E. Buechley, J. D. Anadon, and S. Anuar Mohd Sah. 2018. Estimation of Population Density of Bearded Vultures Using Line-Transect Distance Sampling and Identification of Perceived Threats In the Annapurna Himalaya Range of Nepal. Journal of Raptor Research 52(4). DOI:10.3356/JRR-18-25.1
  • Sutton, L.J. and R. PUschendorf. 2018. Climatic niche of the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug: predicted new areas to direct population surveys in Central Asia. Ibis. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12700
  • Watson, R.T. 2018. Raptor conservation in practice. Pages 473 - 498 in Birds of prey: biology and conservation in the XXI century, Eds. José Hernán Sarasola, Juan Manuel Grande & Juan José Negro. Springer, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-73745-4_20
  • Watson, R.T. 2018. Wildlife Careers: Nonprofit Organizations. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. DOI:10.1002/jwmg.21426
  • Watson, R.T., P.S. Kolar, M. Ferrer, T. Torgeir, N. Naira, W.G. Hunt, H.A. Smit-Robinson, C.J. Farmer, M.H. Huso, and T. Katzner. 2018. Raptor Interactions With Wind Energy: Case Studies From Around the World. Journal of Raptor Research 52(1):1-18. DOI:10.3356/JRR-16-100.1
























Additional Publications Information

For complete lists of research papers and other publications from The Peregrine Fund, visit the Global Raptor Information Network (GRIN).

Research papers listed in the left column that do not link to a downloadable PDF can be obtained by sending a request to

Conference Proceedings

In addition to the individual papers listed in the left column, The Peregrine Fund has published the complete proceedings of these conferences in book form:


Cade, T.J., and C.M. Blount. 2018. Tom Cade: A Life in Science and Conservation. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID

Cade, T. J., and W. Burnham. 2003. Return of the peregrine: a North American saga of tenacity and teamwork. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID.

D.L. Anderson, C.J.W. McClure, and A. Franke, editors. 2017. Applied raptor ecology: essentials from Gyrfalcon research. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho, USA.


Sherrod, S.K., W.R. Heinrich, W.A. Burnham, J.H. Barclay, and T.J. Cade.1987. Hacking: a method for releasing peregrine falcons and other birds of prey. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.

Weaver, J.D. and T.J. Cade (eds.). 1991. Falcon propagation, a manual on captive breeding. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.

Cade TJ; Enderson JH; Linthicum J. 1996. Guide to management of Peregrine Falcons at the eyrie.The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.

Marti, C.D. 2002. Enhancing raptor populations, a techniques manual. The Peregrine Fund. Boise, ID.