Index of publication supplementary materials

Supplementary Material Material Type Related Publication
Ashy-faced Owl nestlings in their nest in Dominican Republic Video Curti, M., C.D. Hayes, T.I. Hayes, and M. Calcaño Silven. 2018. First description of Ashy-faced Owl (Tyto glaucops) nest and first record of Ashy-faced Owl nesting in Palmchat (Dulus dominicus) nest on Hispaniola. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 31:17–19.
Kestrel vs Starling fight for nest box Video McClure, C., D. Hilleary, and P. Spurling. 2015. American Kestrels Actively Exclude European Starlings from Using a Nest Box. Journal of Raptor Research 49(2): 231-233. DOI:10.3356/0892-1016-49.2.231
Kestrel Roosting Videos Video Davis, C.M., J. Heath, and C. McClure. 2017. Nest box use by American Kestrels and other cavity-nesting birds during the nonbreeding season. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(2):5. DOI:10.5751/ACE-01044-120205
The Peregrine Fund