

J. Peter Jenny
President and CEO
Named President and CEO in November 2006. Previously, he was Vice President for 18 years. His work with The Peregrine Fund began in 1970 in the eastern Canadian Arctic where he collected some of the first Peregrine Falcons to be used for captive breeding. After graduating from the University of Montana with a zoology degree, he pioneered the organization's involvement in the Neotropics with research on the Orange-breasted Falcon. A staunch advocate of cooperative approaches and private sector participation, he helped design and implement a Safe Harbor Program to recover the endangered Aplomado Falcon on private land in Texas.

Rick Watson, Ph.D.
Vice President
Became Vice President in May 2007. He joined The Peregrine Fund in 1990 to start up new projects in Africa and in 1998 was promoted to direct the Fund's conservation work internationally. He graduated from the University of Bangor in North Wales with a degree in Marine Zoology and later earned a doctorate in raptor ecology from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He conducted post-doctoral research in Namibia, followed by a variety of field positions in the United States.

Board of Directors

important dates

Early Registration Ends:
1 November 2010

Abstract Submission Deadline:
1 November 2010

Draft Paper Submission Deadline:
1 January 2011

Final Paper Submission Deadline:
1 March 2011

