Introduction to the Maya Project Introduction to The Selva Maya Principal Agents of Tropical Deforestation The Maya Project Components - Activities and Results


Several Guatemalan government agencies provided assistance throughout the project. For permission to conduct research within Parque Nacional Tikal, we are grateful to the Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes and IDAEH (the Instituto de Antropolog�a e Historia), and to the personnel of Tikal National Park. In particular, we are grateful to several Directors of IDAEH, including Lic. Agust�n Estrada Monroy, Lic. Leopoldo Colom Molina, Arq. Claudio Olivares, Arq. Erick Cortez Serrano, Prof. Hugo F. Hern�ndez, and Dr. Juan Antonio Valdez, and to Lic. Rafael Torres Azurdia, Asesor Jur�dico of IDAEH.

We are especially grateful to the several directors of Tikal National Park during our work there, including Rogel Ch� Ochaeta, Lic. Rolando Torres, and Lic. Rolando Pernillo, and to the many park guards at Tikal who facilitated our work in many ways, and were our friends.

For permits to conduct research in Guatemala, we are grateful to the personnel of CONAP (Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas)--Guatemala's lead agency for wildlife and protected areas. We are grateful to several CONAP directors, including Andreas Lehnhoff, Ing. Milton Sarabia, Lic. Arturo Duarte O., and Licda. Enma D�az de Gordillo, and to Oscar F. Lara, Mygdalia Garc�a, Milton R. Cabrera, and other staff in the CONAP central office, for many forms of assistance. We are also grateful to personnel of CONAP's Region 8 which includes our project area.

We are also grateful to many personnel of CECON--the Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. CECON lent us their employee, Julio Madrid, for several years; as Julio formed a central part of the project, this was a most important form of collaboration. In addition, CECON allowed us to conduct research in three of their "Biotopos", which were among the first protected areas to be designated in Guatemala. We are indebted to several individuals who served as Directors of CECON during the tenure of our project: Lic. Billy T. Alquijay C., Lic. Milton R. Cabrera B., and Lic. Ismael Ponciano G. In addition we owe thanks to other CECON personnel for various forms of assistance: Olga Valdez, Lu�s Villar, Otto Sandoval, Jorge Cardona, Sergio Perez, Rolando Escobar, and Herman Kihn. We are also grateful to Dr. Alfonso Fuente Soria, Rector of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

At three CECON biotopo reserves where we worked (San Miguel-La Palotada (Zotz), Dos Lagunas, and Cerro Cahu�) CECON designated resource guards who collaborated with us in field work, both aiding us and receiving training in the process. These individuals included Pablo Ycal, Ladislao Salguero Castro, Hern�n Reyes Perez, Cleofes Olivares Cardona, Gaudencio Israel Vitzil, Gonzalo Gallardo Espinoza, Juan Ram�n Ram�rez, Fernando Tesucun, Guadalupe Salatiel Nu�ez, Jorge Waldemar Luna, An�bal Ram�rez Medrano, Rub�d Fajardo Barrientos, Hector Tot, Carlos Cxol Caal, Saul Castillo, Jos� Angel Mayen, Roberto Payes, Antonio Pinelo, Jes�s Aguilar Cano, Amilcar Morales, Julio Gallardo, Cain Olivares, and Ernesto Ram�rez.

For permission to conduct reserch in Belize, we are grateful to Mr. Earl Green of the Forestry Department and Mr. R. Belisle of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Natural Resources.

For permission to conduct research in Mexico we are grateful to Dr. Exequiel Ezcurra of the Instituto Nacional de Ecolog�a, and Dra. Graciela de la Garza Garc�a of the Direcci�n General de Conservaci�n Ecol�gica de los Recursos Naturales, and to other personnel of the Instituto Nacional de Ecolog�a.

We received important collaboration and support from the Guatemala mission of USAID (U. S. Agency for International Development). We are especially indebted to Keith Kline, and are also grateful to Claudia de Pastor, Paula S. Miller, and Claudio Saito.

The Fundaci�n Mario Dary para la Conservaci�n de la Naturaleza (FUNDARY) did a marvelous job of managing our project payroll, assisting in importation of vehicles, and other managerial tasks. We are deeply grateful to several FUNDAY staff and officers, including Lic. Juan Mario Dary, Lic. Julio Enrique Obiols G., Victor Hugo Guerra, Lillian Yvonne Ram�rez, and Yuri Giovanni Melini.

At Guatemala's Comisi�n Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CONAMA) we are grateful to Arq. Jorge Cabrera Hidalgo. We are also indepted to Arq. Marcio Antonio Palacios M., regional chief of the government planning agency, SEGEPLAN, for assistance of several forms.



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