Introduction to the Maya Project Introduction to The Selva Maya Principal Agents of Tropical Deforestation The Maya Project Components - Activities and Results


The idea that became the Maya Project was originated by Dr. William A. Burnham, President of The Peregrine Fund, and J. Peter Jenny, Vice-President of the Fund. Bill and Pete played key roles in initiating project field work and Bill helped oversee the project throughout its existence.

The Maya Project has received financial support from Ruth Andres, Robert Berry, Crystal Channel Foundation, Evie Donaldson, the Fanwood Foundation, the Gold Family Foundation, William H. and Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation, Alfred Juzykowski Foundation, KENNETECH/U.S. Windpower, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Mill Pond Press, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Norcross Foundation, Henry and Wendy Paulson, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Andr�s and Pilar Sada, Joe and Flinda Terteling, the U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program/Tropical Ecosystems Directorate, and the Weeden Foundation.

Several individuals acted as scientific advisors to the project at various times, including Dr. Tom J. Cade, Dr. Richard O. Bierregaard, Lloyd F. Kiff, Dr. James H. Enderson, Dr. Clayton M. White, and Dr. Ian Newton. We are also grateful to several other scientific mentors for their advice regarding project research: Dr. Nicholas Brokaw, Steven G. Herman, Dr. W. Grainger Hunt, and Dr. Phil Roberston.

We are also deeply grateful to many other friends in Guatemala, too numerous to name. Among those not already named above are Jay Vannini, Mar�a Jos� Gonz�lez, Peter Rostroh, Juan Carlos Godoy, Lic. Francois and Mrs. Nini de Berger, Lorena Calvo, Patti and Mundo Solis, Claudio Mendez, Scott Wilber, Santiago Billy, Steve Gretzinger, Mario Jol�n, Conrad Reining, Mauro Salazar, Jorg Roling, Bayron Milian V., Mike Lara, Barbara Dugelby, John Beavers, Oscar Murga, Hilda Rivera, Howard Quigley, Kathy Moser, Carlos Soza, and many others.


To cite this web site, we recommend the following.

D. F. Whitacre and The Peregrine Fund. 2003. A portrait of The Peregrine Fund's Maya Project: ecological research, habitat conservation, and development of human resources in the Maya Forest.

The End......


Maya Project Introduction | The Selva Maya | Tropical Deforestation | Maya Project


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Asana Draper
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Last Revised:  12/10/08