Introduction to the Maya Project Introduction to The Selva Maya Principal Agents of Tropical Deforestation The Maya Project Components - Activities and Results


1 March 2001

I. Articles in peer-reviewed journals, symposia, and books:

1. 1990 Thorstrom, R. K., C. W. Turley, F. G. Ram�rez, and B. A. Gilroy. 1990. Descriptions of nests, eggs, and young of the Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis) and of the Collared Forest-Falcon (M. semitorquatus). Condor 92:237-239.

2. 1991 Gerhardt, R. P. 1991. Response of Mottled Owls to broadcast of conspecific call. J. Field Ornith. 62:239-244.

3. 1991 Gilardi, J. D., and K. von Kugelgen. 1991. Bird/ant/acacia symbioses in a mature Neotropical forest. Wilson Bulletin 103:711-712.

4. 1993 Gerhardt, R. P., P. M. Harris, and M. A. V�squez M. Food habits of nesting Great Black Hawks in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Biotropica 25:349-352.

5. 1993 Whitacre, D., J. Madrid, C. Marroquin, M. Schulze, L. Jones, J. Sutter, and A. Baker. 1993. Migrant songbirds, habitat change, and conservation prospects in northern Pet�n, Guatemala: some initial results. pp. 339-345 in D. M. Finch and P. W. Stangel, eds. Status and management of neotropical migratory birds. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-229.

6. 1994 Burnham, W. A., D. F. Whitacre, and J. P. Jenny. 1994. The Maya Project: use of raptors as tools for conservation and ecological monitoring of biological diversity. pp. 257-264 in B.-U. Meyburg and R. D. Chancellor, eds., Raptor conservation today. World Working Group on Birds of Prey, The Pica Press.

7. 1994 Gerhardt, R. P., D. M. Gerhardt, C. J. Flatten, and N. Bonilla G. 1994. The food habits of sympatric Ciccaba owls in northern Guatemala. J. Field Ornith. 65:258-264.

8. 1994 Gerhardt, R. P., N. Bonilla G., D. M. Gerhardt, and C. J. Flatten. 1994. Breeding biology and home range of two Ciccaba owls. Wilson Bull. 106:629-639.

9. 1995 Gerhardt, R. P., and D. M. Gerhardt. 1995. Two gray fox litters share den. Southwestern Naturalist 40:419.

10. 1995 Madrid, J., W. Burnham, and D. Whitacre. 1995. The Peregrine Fund's Maya Project: conservation education in Central American tropical forests. pp. 160-161 in J. A. Bissonette and P. R. Krausman, eds., Integrating people and wildlife for a sustainable future. Proceedings of the first International Wildlife Management Congress. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Md.

11. 1995 Madrid, J., C. Marroquin V., T. Dubon O., M. D. Schulze, J. Hunt, and D. F. Whitacre. Monitoring population parameters of a wintering migrant songbird, the Kentucky Warbler: persistence pays. pp 479-483 in J. A. Bissonette and P. R. Krausman, eds., Integrating people and wildlife for a sustainable future. Proceedings of the first International Wildlife Management Congress. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Md.

12. 1995 Whitacre, D., and 12 coauthors. 1995. Slash-and-burn farming and bird conservation in northern Pet�n, Guatemala. pp. 215-226 in M. Wilson and S. Sader (eds.), Conservation of neotropical migratory birds in M�xico. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, Misc. Pub. 727.

13. 1996 Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre, and O. Aguirre B. J. 1996. Observations of King Vultures (Sarcoramphus papa) drinking and bathing. Raptor Research 30:246-247.

14. 1996 Thorstrom, R. 1996. Fruit-eating behavior of a Barred Forest-Falcon. J. Raptor Research 30:44.

15. 1996 Thorstrom, R. 1996. Methods for capturing tropical forest birds of prey. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:516-520.

16. 1997 Chayax, R., and D. F. Whitacre. 1997. A plea from the last of the Maya-Itz�. Conservation Biology 11: 1457-1458.

17. 1997 Gerhardt, R. P., D. M. Gerhardt, and M. A. V�squez. 1997. Siblicide in Swallow-tailed Kites. Wilson Bulletin 109:112-120.

18. 1997 Gerhardt, R. P. and D. M. Gerhardt. 1997. Size, dimorphism and related characteristics of Ciccaba owls from Guatemala. Pp. 190-196 in Duncan, J. R., D. H. Johnson, and T. H. Nicholls (eds.), Biology and conservation of owls of the Northern Hemisphere: 2nd international symposium: February 5-9, 1997, Winnipeg, MB. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. St. Paul, MN, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, North Central Research Station.

19. 1997 Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze, D. F. Whitacre, and M. A. V�squez. 1997. Diet and hunting behavior of the Plumbeous Kite. Wilson Bulletin 109:526-532.

20. 1997 Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze, and D. Whitacre. 1997. Two Plumbeous Kites (Ictinia plumbea) capture swallow. J. Raptor Research 31(3):289.

21. 1997 Seavy, N. E., D. F. Whitacre, and M. Cordova A. First record of the Speckled Mourner (Laniocera rufescens) for the Pet�n Department of Guatemala. Ornitolog�a Neotropical 8:245-246.

22. 1997 Thorstrom, R. 1997. A description of nests and behavior of the Gray-headed Kite. Wilson Bulletin 109:173-177.

23. 1998 Seavy, N. E. and R. P. Gerhardt. 1998. Breeding biology and nestling diet of the Great Black-Hawk. J. Raptor Research 32:175-177.

24. 1998 Seavy, N. E., M. D. Schulze, D. F. Whitacre, and M. A. Vasquez. 1998. Breeding biology and behavior of the Plumbeous Kite. Wilson Bulletin 110:77-85.

25. 1998 Whitacre, D. F. 1998. The Peregrine Fund's Maya Project: ecological research, habitat conservation, and development of human resources in the Maya Forest. pp. 241-266 in R. B. Primack, D. B. Bray, H. A. Galletti, and I. Ponciano (eds.), Timber, tourists, and temples: conservation and development in the Maya forest of Belize, Guatemala, and M�xico. Island Press.

26. 1998 Whitacre, D. F. 1998. Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and conservation of fragmented communities. (book review). Quarterly Review of Biology 73:531-532.

27. 1999 Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre, B. Gonz�lez C�rdova, and C. M. White. 1999. Davis' round-eared bats (Tonatia evotis) roosting in a hollow termitarium occupied by ants (Dolichoderus bispinosus): a form of commensalism? Bat Research News.

28. 1999 Baker, A. J.,D. F. Whitacre, O. A. Aguirre-Barrera, J. L�pez A., and C. M. White. 1999. Observations of a Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus hawking bats. J. Raptor Research 33(4)343-344.

29. 1999 Baker, A. J., O. A. Aguirre-Barrera, and C. M. White. 1999. First record of a Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Tigrisoma mexicanum nesting on a cliff ledge. Ornitolog�a Neotropical 10:239-240.

30. 1999 Schulze, M. D. and D. F. Whitacre. 1999. A classification and ordination of the tree community of Tikal National Park, Pet�n, Guatemala. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 41 (3):169-297.

31. 1999 Thorstrom, R., and L. F. Kiff. 1999. Notes on eggs of the Bicolored Hawk Accipiter bicolor. Journal of Raptor Research 33:244-247.

32. 1999 Whitacre, D. F. 1999. El Proyecto Maya del Fondo Peregrino: investigaci�n ecol�gica, conservaci�n del h�bitat y desarrollo de recursos humanos en la Selva Maya. Pp. 284-311 in R. B. Primack, D. Bray, H. A. Galletti, and I. Ponciano (Eds.), La Selva Maya: conservaci�n y desarrollo. Siglo Veintiuno Editores, S. A. de C. V., M�xico, D. F., M�xico.

33. 1999 Whitacre, D. F., and C. M. Miller. 1999. Bird survey protocols. Pp. 43-52 in A. Carr III and A. C. de Stoll (Eds.), Biological monitoring in the Selva Maya. U.S. Man and the Biosphere/Tropical Ecosystem Directorate and Wildlife Conservation Society, Gainesville, Florida.

34. 2000 Baker, A. J., D. F. Whitacre, O. Aguirre B., and C. White. 2000. Status of the Orange-breasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Mesoamerica: a disjunct, vulnerable population. Bird Conservation International 10:29-40.

35. 2000 Baker, A. J., O. A. Aguirre-Barrera, D. F. Whitacre, and C. M. White. 2000. First record of a Barred Forest-Falcon (Micrastur ruficollis) nesting in a cliff pothole. Ornitolog�a Neotropical 11:81-82.

36. 2000 Panasci, T., and D. Whitacre. 2000. Diet and foraging behavior of nesting Roadside Hawks in Pet�n, Guatemala. Wilson Bulletin 112:555-558.

37. 2000 Schulze, M. D., N. E. Seavy, and D. F. Whitacre. 2000. A comparison of the Phyllostomid bat communities in undisturbed Neotropical forest and in forest fragments in a slash-and-burn farming mosaic in Pet�n, Guatemala. Biotropica 32:174-184.

38. 2000 Schulze, M. D., J. L. C�rdova, N. E. Seavy, and D. F. Whitacre. 2000. Behavior, diet, and breeding biology of Double-toothed Kites at a Guatemalan lowland site. Condor 102:113-126.

39. 2000 Thorstrom, R.K., J. D. Ramos, and C. M. Morales. 2000. Breeding biology of the Barred Forest-Falcon Micrastur ruficollis in northeastern Guatemala. Auk 117:781-786.

40. 2000 Thorstrom, R. K., J. D. Ramos, and J. M. Castillo. 2000. Breeding biology and behavior of the Collared Forest-Falcon Micrastur semitorquatus in Guatemala. Ornitolog�a Neotropical 11:1-12.

41. 2000 Thorstrom, R. and A. Quixch�n. 2000. Breeding biology and nest-site characteristics of the Bicolored Hawk in Guatemala. Wilson Bulletin 112:195-202.

42. 2000 Thorstrom, R. 2000. The food habits of sympatric forest-falcons during the breeding season in northeastern Guatemala. J. Raptor Research. 34(3):196-202.

43. 2001 Sutter, J., W. E. Mart�nez, A. Francisco Oliva T., N. Oswaldo J., and D. F. Whitacre. 2001. Diet and hunting behavior of the Crane Hawk in Tikal National Park, Guatemala. Condor 103:70-77.

II. Published "gray literature" reports

1. 1988 Burnham, W. A., J. P. Jenny, and C. W. Turley (eds.). 1988. Progress report, 1988. Maya Project: investigation of raptors and their habitats as environmental indicators for preserving biodiversity and tropical forests of Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 53 pp.

2. 1988 Spanish version of above, 53 pp.

3. 1989 Burnham, W. A., J. P. Jenny, and C. W. Turley (eds.). 1989. Progress report II, 1989. Maya Project: use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 134 pp.

4. 1989 Spanish version of above, 165 pp.

5. 1990 Burnham, W. A., D. F. Whitacre, and J. P. Jenny, (eds). 1990. Progress report III, 1990: Maya Project--use of raptors as environmental indices for design and management of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 201 pp.

6. 1991 Whitacre, D. F., W. A. Burnham, and J. P. Jenny, (eds.). 1991. Progress report IV, 1991: Maya Project--use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 185 pp.

7. 1991 Spanish version of above, 276 pp.

8. 1992 Whitacre, D. F., and R. K. Thorstrom, (eds.). 1992. Progress report V, 1992: Maya Project--use of raptors and other fauna as environmental indicators for design, management, and monitoring of protected areas and for building local capacity for conservation in Latin America. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 259 pp.

9. 1992 Spanish version of above, 284 pp.

10. 1993 Whitacre, D. F., R. K. Thorstrom, and W. A. Burnham. 1993. Reporte de avance VI: 1993--Proyecto Maya: uso de aves rapaces y otra fauna como indicadores del medio ambiente, para el dise�o y manejo de �reas protegidas y para fortalecer la capacidad local para la conservaci�n en Am�rica Latina. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 137 pp.

11. 1993 Whitacre, D. F. 1993. Recomendaciones para el manejo de la Reserva Bi�sfera Maya: consideraciones para el mantenimiento de la diversidad biol�gica y la integridad ecol�gica. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 43 pp.

12. 1994 Whitacre, D. F. 1994. Recomendaciones para el manejo de la Reserva Bi�sfera Maya, II: 1994: consideraciones para el mantenimiento de la diversidad biol�gica y la integridad ecol�gica. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 40 pp.

13. 1995 Whitacre, D. F., M. Schulze, and N. Seavy. 1995. Habitat affinities of a Central American forest avifauna: implications for conservation in Neotropical slash-and-burn farming landscapes. Technical report to U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 21 pp.

14. 1995 Seavy, N. E., D. F. Whitacre, and M. C�rdova A. 1995. Yaxh�/Nakum area of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: baseline ecological assessment, establishment of a framework for ecological monitoring, and training of local personnel. Report to The Nature Conservancy. The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Boise, Idaho. 46 pp.

15. 1996 Whitacre, D. F. 1996. Factores y procesos principales que amenazan la diversidad y integridad biol�gica de la Reserva de la Bi�sfera Maya. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 39 pp.

16. 1996 Whitacre, D. F. 1996. A draft ecological monitoring program for the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 44 pp. (also Spanish version).

17. 1996 Whitacre, D. F. 1996. Un programa de monitoreo ecol�gico para la Reserva de la Bi�sfera Maya: borrador circulado para comentario. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, ID. 48 pp.

18. 1996 Whitacre, D. F., and D. F. Seavy. 1996. Algunas �reas de la Reserva de la Bi�sfera Maya recomendadas para protecci�n estricta. A report to CONAP and USAID. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 20 pp.

19. 1996 Whitacre, D. F. 1996. Main factors and processes threatening biological diversity and integrity of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, and recommendations for reducing and/or mitigating these impacts. A report to CONAP and USAID. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 36 pp. (also, Spanish version, 39 pp.)

20. 1996 Schulze, M. D., and D. F. Whitacre. 1996. Effects of logging on Neotropical bird and tree community composition. Technical report to U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 25 pp.

21. 1997 Whitacre, D. F. 1997. El estado de la Reserva de la Bi�sfera Maya en 1996. The Peregrine Fund, Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas de Guatemala, and U. S. Agency for International Development. 26 pp.

22. 1997 Whitacre, D. F. 1997. An ecological monitoring program for the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 121 pp.

23. 1997 Spanish version of the above, 119 pp.

24. 1997 Whitacre, D. F. 1997. Actividades y logros del "Proyecto Maya" del Fondo Peregrino desde 1 Octubre 1995 hasta 1 Abril 1997. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho. 22 pp.

25. 1997 Whitacre, D. F., M. D. Schulze, and N. Seavy. 1997. Ecological impacts of current land-use activities in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: effects of shifting cultivation and selective logging on forest bird and tree community composition. Final technical report to U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. 47 pp.

26. 1997 Whitacre, D. F., M. D. Schulze, and N. Seavy. 1997. Conservation in modified Neotropical forest landscapes: some lessons from Pet�n, Guatemala. General report to U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program, Tropical Ecosystems Directorate. 6 pp.



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