Literature Cited

Curtis, J. H., D. A. Hodell, and M. Brenner. 1996. Climate variability on the Yucat�n Peninsula (M�xico) during the past 3500 years, and implications for Maya cultural evolution. Quaternary Research 46:37-47.

Curtis, J. H., M. Brenner, D. A. Hodell, R. A. Balser, G. A. Islebe, and H. Hooghiemstra. 1998. A multi-proxy study of Holocene environmental change in the Maya Lowlands of Pet�n, Guatemala. J. Paleolimnology 19:139-159.

Schwartz, N. 1990. Forest society: a social history of Pet�n, Guatemala. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.

Southgate, D. 1998. Tropical forest conservation: an economic assessment of the alternatives in Latin America. Oxford University Press, Oxford.